Wednesday, May 21, 2008



Folders are the most common things that hold your documents. There are different types of folders; manila folders, presentation folders, file folders and other custom folders. Folders are common for holding mostly your documents that you might want to get organized for any purpose.

This is used as a tool that holds loose papers together for organization and protection. File folders are usually made of a sheet of heavy paper stock or other thin, but stiff, material that is folded in half. They are often used in conjunction with a filing cabinet for storage.

They can have tabs. Tabs are often helpful when many files are being stored together and there needs to be an easy way to differentiate them. The tabs can be on the top of the folders which are in common in business offices or on the end/side as well as in common in medical offices. Tab sizes vary and are designated based on the size of each tab in proportion to the total length of the folder.
Folders as they are usually called, this is named for the item in the United States. Manila folders are likely the most common, but file folders come in many different forms. In the United States, letter and legal sizes are common.
Sizes of folders are commonly of letter and legal sized ones. You the legal-sized are longer as they could hold a 13’ height of common bond papers easily. The letter-sized can accommodate a common-sized bond paper, they are commonly used in business or school use. You an easily find folders in your local school supply store and get yourself organized.
Variations of these folders can be of presentation folders, file, custom and other types of folders. Presentation folders are basically used for presentation in any purpose, it might be of a company’s profile folder, or just a simple printed folder for your kids. File folders are mostly used in offices’ storage cabinets for sorting and for archiving. However, custom folders do come in all sorts of shapes, size and material composition.

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